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自动化学术论坛[2020第36期]:英国利物浦大学Joe Spencer教授学术报告会




 ZOOM(会议ID952 1551 1931,密码:@80my!@@

人:Joe Spencer,英国利物浦大学University of LiverpoolUK)教授

报告题目:Emergent Behaviour in Complex System

内容简介:The talk will introduce an technique for accessing hidden information in what seems to be a data rich environment and yet the information is not easily accessible. A number of recent examples will be used to demonstrate a means of accessing hidden information from the data and how such information can be used to determine the state of the system. In using these examples, the measurement and monitoring hardware will be briefly explained as well as its experimental deployment and how this contributes to an intelligent monitoring system which can detect emergent patterns of behaviour in a complex system.

报告人简介:Joe Spencer gained his B.Eng(Hons) and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Liverpool. He spent a number of years working in the industrial sector related to high voltage and high current engineering. He became an academic staff member in 1989 in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics at the University of Liverpool. He is currently a Professor of Electrical Engineering, Director for the Centre of Intelligent Monitoring Systems, the University’s Academic lead Sensor City Liverpool Ltd.

Professor Spencer is a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Institution for Engineering and Technology. His research is in electrical power equipment and intelligent monitoring systems. As well as publishing quality academic papers, he has successfully transfer outputs from his research to the industrial sector. He is also a member of an international study group on arc discharges, a member of the national leadership committee in the UK for Sensors and Instrumentation, Honorary Treasurer for the series of International conferences on gas discharges and their applications and a member of the International Scientific Committee for the State Key Laboratory in Xian Jiaotong University China. He leads one of the 5G testbed and trials in the UK.


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